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Advisory report 26: Science Communication Policy Plan 2022-2030

1 February 2022

Deputy Minister-President of the Government of Flanders Hilde Crevits asked VARIO for advice on the Science Communication Policy Plan 2022-2030.

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VARIO attaches great importance to excellent science communication and finds the policy plan positive in many respects. Additionally, VARIO identifies a number of growth opportunities:

  1. Embed science communication as much as possible in the current societal context with the ambition to make Flanders a top region;
  2. Get more out of all possible partners in science communication policy: individual researchers, research institutions, university colleges, VRT (Flemish Radio & Television), companies and sectors, and education;
  3. Work more from a demand-driven perspective, and develop strategies for specific target groups such as girls, disadvantaged groups, under the age of twelve, the 12-18 years olds, and so on;
  4. Pay extra attention to STEM, to language and reading (comprehension) and to interdisciplinarity;
  5. Elaborate on how the policy plan can promote scientific literacy among the general population.