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Advisory report 8: Maintaining science and innovation as a priority

5 June 2019

The previous Flemish government brought Flanders close to the European 1% standard for public spending on research and development. If, as a Flemish region, we want to join that international top, the new Flemish government must keep the focus on science and innovation unchanged and make an additional effort of 500 million euros by 2024. In its eighth advisory report, VARIO makes a first move towards optimising the growth path.

In a separate report, you will find the supporting analysis of the use of the additional resources for achieving the 1% norm, from the conclusion of the Innovation Pact in 2003 until today.

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In its eighth opinion, VARIO makes a suggestion as to how to optimise the growth path. It is important to realise this according to a forward-looking multiannual budget, preferably spanning two legislatures. VARIO does call for a two-year consolidation period after the big step-up in 2019. Even during that rest period, an additional €30 million is needed to avoid falling back into function of the 1% norm. In VARIO's proposal, the major steps averaging €150 million will then follow from 2022. To ensure maximum return on investment, VARIO sees five major hatches:

(1) strengthening existing channels;

(2) responding to new trends;

(3) co-financed innovation budgets to support government-wide goals;

(4) international cooperation; and

(5) flanking measures.