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VARIO and STEM platform plead with Flemish ministers for more STEM talent


On Wednesday 10 January, Françoise Chombar, chair of the STEM Platform, Lieven Danneels and Danielle Raspoet, VARIO chairman and VARIO director respectively, together with Pieter Moerman, co-director of the Dutch Platform Talent for Technology, were received by Flemish minister-president Jan Jambon, minister of Economy, Innovation and Employment Jo Brouns and minister of Education Ben Weyts. VARIO and the STEM Platform are working together to promote more STEM talent. They both brought their memorandum for the next Flemish Government to the attention. For VARIO, promoting innovation talent is central as one of its four ambitions therein. Despite the many good investments and measures, we must conclude that the STEM outflow results remain stable at best. That is why a redesign of the STEM policy is necessary, according to both organizations. Together with the cabinets involved, they will examine where the gaps lie that prevent the desired leverage effects. They also asked for support to put STEM talent on the European agenda as well. On February 29, the EU STEM Coalition is organizing the 'STEM for the Future of Europe' conference, a prime opportunity for the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU

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