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Advisory report 15: Concept note on educational load units of university colleges

27 August 2020

On July 13, VARIO received a request for advice from Flemish Minister of Education Ben Weyts on the concept note "Educational load units of the university colleges: evaluation and growth path in a multi-annual perspective".f’.

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VARIO agrees with the proposed vision and step-by-step plan in the concept note on how to allocate the resources of the 2020-2024 growth path in the professional bachelors to strengthen the STEM programmes.

The council considers it a logical evolution that the Applied Computer Sciences program is moving from the study area Commercial Sciences and Business Administration to the study area Industrial Sciences and Technology.

However, because the university colleges can decide autonomously how to allocate the additional resources, this operation is in danger of becoming an ineffective measure. VARIO therefore formulates a fierce plea to exceptionally earmark the additional resources of 20 million euros.

VARIO also continues to plea for a truly sustainable solution in reviewing the financing of all study programmes both at university colleges and universities. The message is to further invest in those study programmes that make an essential contribution to the ambition of becoming a top European innovation region.